190pages in the Service Design Gazette
During my work as designer I use sketching to think through processes and to capture them into user scenarios (and sometimes in little cartoons and comics)
Visual Storytelling about the relation between humans and products.
190pages in the Service Design Gazette
During my work as designer I use sketching to think through processes and to capture them into user scenarios (and sometimes in little cartoons and comics)
Because I do not have much time I usually draw on the go. That is why I always carry a sketchbook with me.
I try to simplify my drawings as much as possibly, so that they are easy to understand.
My work is inspired by designers such as Katsumi Masaru and Otl Aicher. The Danish road signs by Ole Søndergaard are my favorite icons, as they show as well simplification as also sympathy.
A Further inspiration is the work of Walter Crane and Karl Arnold. Artists and designers have always tried to forecast the future and to capture their visions with sketches. The sketch above is by Karl Arnold and shows how he has imagined mobile phones for the magazine Simplicissimus in 1926.
Cartoon (excerpt) based on a conversation about brain-computer-interfaces with Merlin Rebrović, an interaction designer at Google.
Often my drawings are based on conversations with diverse people about their experiences, thoughts and visions.
Weekly cartoon published at Carlsen Verlag
My weekly cartoons (only in German) are published on my website zebastian.com (I do not manage to update to website every week, but there is a new cartoon each sunday on my facebook page.)